Hi Everyone,
According to this program -
Multiple trees may be loaded in one document
How Do I do this?
I want 3 Trees in 1 Document.
Could someone please help me ?
How do I create multiple trees in loaded document?
Multiple trees
to include multiple trees in one document you only have to instantiate and show each tree using a different name, e.g. code in your menu-file:
That's all. For further questions don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you for using TreeMenu
to include multiple trees in one document you only have to instantiate and show each tree using a different name, e.g. code in your menu-file:
Code: Select all
treeA=new treemenu('treeA',...);
treeB=new treemenu('treeB',...);
treeC=new treemenu('treeC',...);
Thank you for using TreeMenu
Your forum admin
re: Mutliple Trees
Hi, thankyou very much for your assistance, but i am still trying to understand how to write the code. (My apology I am still very new to this)
You said you have to instantiate and show each tree using a different name.
I am using the sample file that come with .ZIP file.
Could you show me how to do it for:
How do you say document.write(tree) for 3 instances?
You said you have to instantiate and show each tree using a different name.
I am using the sample file that come with .ZIP file.
Code: Select all
treeA=new treemenu('treeA',...);
treeB=new treemenu('treeB',...);
treeC=new treemenu('treeC',...);
Could you show me how to do it for:
Code: Select all
tree.put(1,'TreeMenu', 'main','eng/tree/treemenu.html', '', 'gif/tree.gif', 'gif/tree.gif' );
tree.add(0,' First steps', '', '', 'First steps to start', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Preparations', 'main','eng/tree/preparations.html', 'Preparations for usage', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Create instance', 'main','eng/tree/instance.html', 'Instance and settings', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Menu items', 'main','eng/tree/items.html', 'How to create items', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Show menu', 'main','eng/tree/show.html', 'How to show the menu', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Select item', 'main','eng/tree/select.html', 'Selecting an item', '', '' );
tree.add(0,' Advanced', '', '', 'Advanced usage', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Formats', 'main','eng/tree/formating.html', 'Format the items', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Multilingual', 'main','eng/tree/multilingual.html', 'More than one language', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Direct access', 'main','eng/tree/directaccess.html', 'Direct acces to a page', '', '' );
tree.add(0,' Update', 'main','eng/tree/update.html', 'How to update treemenu', '', '' );
tree.add(0,'Config', '', '', 'Configure the menu', 'gif/conf.gif', 'gif/conf.gif' );
tree.add(1,' Introduction', 'main','eng/conf/introduction.html', 'Overview of configuration', '', '' );
tree.add(1,' Usage', 'main','eng/conf/usage.html', 'To include and use with menu','', '' );
tree.add(1,'Use', '', '', 'Terms of usage', 'gif/openbook.gif', 'gif/openbook.gif' );
tree.add(1,' Liability', 'main','eng/use/liability.html', 'Liability of usage', 'gif/paragraph.gif','gif/paragraph.gif');
tree.add(1,' Copyright', 'main','eng/use/copyright.html', 'Copyright of the scripts', 'gif/copyright.gif','gif/copyright.gif');
tree.add(1,' Wishes', 'main','eng/use/wishes.html', 'Wishes to the users', 'gif/wishes.gif', 'gif/wishes.gif' );
var query = location.search; // query for direct-access
if (query) { // If there is a non-empty query
if (query.substr(0, 13)=="?treemenu,eng") tree.selectPath("eng/tree/treemenu.html"); // -> Preselect the appropriate
else if (query.substr(0, 17)=="?preparations,eng") tree.selectPath("eng/tree/preparations.html"); // page by giving the
else if (query.substr(0, 13)=="?instance,eng") tree.selectPath("eng/tree/instance.html"); // associated path
else if (query.substr(0, 10)=="?items,eng") tree.selectPath("eng/tree/items.html"); } //
Such easy
in my 1.st reply you find three code blocks, each for one tree, named treeA (the first tree), treeB (the second tree) and treeC (the third tree).
Each tree is handled separated as indicated with the line containing the three dots between the instantiation [e.g.: treeA=new treemenu('treeA',...);] and the writing of the tree into the document [e.g.: document.write(treeA);]. To fill the trees you have to replace the dotted line with your put- or add-commands. E.g. for the first tree 'treeA':
Do the same for the trees 'treeB' and 'treeC':
The description for the put and add-commands are given in the help: First steps -> Menu items. You will have to replace the dots inside the put- and add-command with the informations you want to show with the tree.
Hope this helps.
in my 1.st reply you find three code blocks, each for one tree, named treeA (the first tree), treeB (the second tree) and treeC (the third tree).
Each tree is handled separated as indicated with the line containing the three dots between the instantiation [e.g.: treeA=new treemenu('treeA',...);] and the writing of the tree into the document [e.g.: document.write(treeA);]. To fill the trees you have to replace the dotted line with your put- or add-commands. E.g. for the first tree 'treeA':
Code: Select all
treeA=new treemenu('treeA', true, true, true, false);
Code: Select all
treeB=new treemenu('treeB', true, true, true, false);
treeC=new treemenu('treeC', true, true, true, false);
Hope this helps.
Last edited by Hans on 29 Mar 2006, 10:26, edited 1 time in total.
Your forum admin
re: Multiple Tree Views
Hi again,
I think i understand now. Do you mean to say:
Would be represented as example:
I will have a play and let you know if I run into any trouble.
Again, I really appreciate your help with this.
I think i understand now. Do you mean to say:
Code: Select all
treeA=new treemenu('treeA', true, true, true, false);
Code: Select all
tree.put(1,'TreeMenu', 'main','eng/tree/treemenu.html', '', 'gif/tree.gif', 'gif/tree.gif' );
Again, I really appreciate your help with this.
you must not write 'tree' for the instance of your first tree, which is now named 'treeA'. You must write
and not
to fill in the informations for your first 'treeA'.
(Topic splittet here, continuation in 'Multiple trees in a table' by Hans 2006-03-30)
you must not write 'tree' for the instance of your first tree, which is now named 'treeA'. You must write
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
tree.put(...) ;
(Topic splittet here, continuation in 'Multiple trees in a table' by Hans 2006-03-30)
Your forum admin