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How to use TreeMenu?

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 13:00
by Guest

I'm new to Javascript and try to use your TreeMenu. Must i compile something when making changes? What must i do with the unzipped files?

Could you please help?

Compiling and usage

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 14:20
by Hans

just put the unzipped files into a directory of your choice. Then make a copy of these directory/files. Afterwards you can adjust the copy to fit your needs, e.g. add and remove menu items. All these steps are explained in the help files of TreeMenu (Doublecklick 'index.html' in the first unzipped directory).

You don't need to compile anything. Javascript is running directly from the source using the interpreter of your browser. So you only have to edit the files according to your needs. The only thing you have to know is how to use a text-editor. You should not use Word or any other word processing program due to the formatted output of these programs. You may use Notepad, JEdit, UltraEdit or something similar.

Are all questions answered? On remaining questions please ask me again.

Thank you for your interest in TreeMenu.
Hans Bauer