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Auswahl durch neu geladen Seiten/ Style der geladenen Seite

Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 13:01
by alexander

Erst einmal: Vielen Dank für die Bereiststellung dieses Menüs. Die Anpassung an die perönlichen Bedürfnisse klappt bis auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten sehr gut. Es ist genau das, wonach ich gesucht habe: professionell und einfach zu aktualisieren.

Zu den Fragen
Ich möchte natürlich, dass die aktuell geladene Seite im Menu angezeigt wird. Ich habe mich an die Beschreibungen in der Hilfe und die Bespiele in 'ger/...' gehalten, aber es funktioniert nicht.

Den Verweis zu default.js habe ich (wie im Beispiel) folgendermaßen eingetragen:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/default.js"></script>

Der Bodytag sieht bei mir so aus:
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="loaded(document)" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#990066" text="#000000">

(loaded(dokument) habe ich eigetragen, der Rest war bereits so von Dreamweaver erzeugt.
Kann es sein, dass auf meiner menu.htm (im original tree.html) ein Verweis fehlt?

Ich habe die Styles der Menüeinträge nach meinen Vorstellungen verändert - alles prima! Aber: ich (als html- und javascript-Laie) habe bislang keine Möglichkeit gefunden, den aktiven Menüpunkt wie gewünscht zu verändern. Ich möchte nicht, dass die Hintergrundfarbe wechselt, sondern die Auswahl soll wie im MouseOver, jedoch fett dargestellt sein.
Lässt sich das einarbeiten?

Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 15:17
by Alexander
Just a few words to make the problem with the second point clear.

I tryed to solve the problem by fitting the treemenu.css file in the way shown below.

.TreeMenu { /* General */ font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #666666; white-space : nowrap;
background-color: #FFFFFF; }
.TreeMenu a { /* Links */ text-decoration : none; }
.TreeMenu img { /* Images */ border : 0px; vertical-align : middle; }
*.CreatedBy:hover { /* CreatedBy */ color : #FF3300; text-decoration : none; }

*.Node_0, *.Selected_0, *.Item_0
{ /* Indent=0 */ font-size : 10pt; color : #666666; font-weight : normal; ; font-style : normal; padding-left : 2px; line-height: 25pt; letter-spacing: 2px; }
*.Node_0:hover, *.Selected_0:hover { color : #FF3300; text-decoration : none; } *.Item_0:hover { }

*.Node_1, *.Selected_1, *.Item_1
{ /* Indent=1 */ font-size : 9pt; color: #666666; font-weight : normal; font-style : normal; padding-left : 10px; line-height: 15pt; text-transform: lowercase;}
*.Node_1:hover, *.Selected_1:hover { color : #FF3300; text-decoration : none; } *.Item_1:hover { }

*.Node_2, *.Selected_2, *.Item_2
{ /* Indent>2 */ font-size : 8pt; color : #888888; font-weight : normal; font-style : normal; padding-left : 18px; text-transform: lowercase;}
*.Node_2:hover, *.Selected_2:hover { color : #FF3300; text-decoration : none; } *.Item_2:hover { }

{ /* Selected_> */ font-size : 10pt; color : #FF3300; font-weight : bold; font-style : normal; padding-left : 2px; line-height: 25pt; }

{ /* Selected_> */ font-size : 9pt; color : #FF3300; font-weight : bold; font-style : normal; padding-left : 10px; line-height: 15pt; }

{ /* Selected_> */ font-size : 8pt; color : #FF3300; font-weight
: bold; font-style : normal; padding-left : 18px; }[/i]

That works well but only for .Node_2. The other .Node_(s) don't show any changes.

Another problem ist that the omission of the color definition in the .TreeMenu a { /* Links */ text-decoration : none; } -line leads to a "created with treemenu" in blue characters. I want it to be #666666, but only by omitting this color definition it is possible to show the menu in the different colors that I defined.

My suggestions

Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 16:56
by Hans
Hello Alexander,

thanks for your questions. I'll try to give my suggestions hoping they solve your problems. If not completely, don't hesitate to send me your files and i will try to ajust the files according to your wishes.

1) See the help TreeMenu->First steps->Select item

1a) Did you adjust your relative path '../../js/default.js' (2 folders up, 1 folder down into /js) to find the file 'default.js' starting from the html-file you mention?

1b) Did you change the frame-names in your index.html? If you changed the menu-frame from name="menu" to name="mymenu" you also have to change the appropriate path in your 'defauls.js' to

Code: Select all

pathMenu = backslashToSlash(parent.mymenu.document.location.pathname);
2) To change the background color of the selected items you should change the settings of the appropriate background-color in treemenu.css in the following lines:
*.Selected_0, *.Selected_1, *.Selected_2 { /* Selected_ */
background-color: #C0D2EC; }
I know, the css-settings are somehow tricky (for me too) and you may have to play around a little bit. The descriptions of the items you can format are given in the help TreeMenu->Advanced->Formats. You may find more explanations for css-formatting at

Did these explanations help? I'd be happy to hear your success.

Best wishes

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 16:14
by alexander
Hi Hans,

Thanks for your help but it's still not clear.
I changed the frame name to 'menu' according to the pathname in the default.js

var pathMenu = backslashToSlash(

I adjusted the relative path starting from the htm-file 1 folder up, 2 folders down that way:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../menusoft/js/default.js"></script>

and added 'loaded(document)' in the same file that way:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="loaded(document)" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#990066" text="#000000">

the path to treemenu.js in menu.htm itself looks that way:

<script type="text/javascript" src="menusoft/js/treemenu.js"></script>

... but it doesn't work. Do you have any idea? Obviously I got your describtions wrong because I can't find any mistake.

a good news: the styles of the menu work fine now only the 'treemenu'-link is still undelibertately blue.

Please send me your files

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 16:31
by Hans
Hi Alexander,

it seems you changed some basic things like paths (placing the menu into your subdirectory menusoft,...). So its quite hard for me to explain what to change/adjust in your special case.

Could you please send me your zipped and cleaned files including the directory structure to allow me adjusting them according to your wishes? And please also explain me the steps needed to follow your suggestions.

Hans Bauer

Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 08:47
by alexander
Hi Hans,

it's cear now! I only had to change the the path from '' to ''. That's it! But it was hard work :shock: (actually my eyes are squared now)!

but now to something completely different...
I checked the preview of my site in IE (usually I work with Firefox) and IE showed missing minicon.gif-icons. I guess that has something got to do with changed 'menusoft'-folder so with a changed path.

Where can I adjust this path?

Thank you!


Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 08:59
by Hans
Hi Alexander,

glad to hear your success.

If you changed the paths of the gif's showing the hierarchy of the tree and you want TreeMenu to know the changed paths you can do this by
1. Opening the file treemenu.js with a text editor (no word processor)
2. Search the line containing 'this.defaults = {'
3. Change the paths of the gif's in the following lines of treemenu.js

That's all, but you should know that treemenu.js is loaded from your menu-file and thus you should give the path relative from your menu-file and not relative from treemenu.js.

I'd be happy to hear your results.
Hans Bauer

Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 14:40
by alexander
Hi Hans,

Thanks a lot for your support!

The site is online now. You might take a look at

I'm going to recommend you and your treemenu!
