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Modify the line height

Posted: 19 Dec 2005, 14:57
by friend

is there a possiblity to change the line height of the TreeMenu?

I tried to make some changes in the stylesheets of your menu but I'm absolutely not familiar with css. Could you provide some formatting-informations with your TreeMenu?



Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 12:03
by Hans
Hello 'friend',

the line height is defined by the maximum height of the text, the icons or the images showing the hierarchy-lines. To increase the line height you should increase the height of the images used for the hierarchy-lines (e.g.: gif/passline.gif,...). To avoid a gap between these images you should not rely on additional borders (visible or invisible). To change formats (e.g. borders, text styles,...) you can change the css-styles in 'treemenu.css' in the subdirectory 'css'.

More informations about html, formatting with css and programming with javascript can be retrieved from the open-source guide SelfHtml. Please excuse me for not giving all these informations within the help for TreeMenu. Doing so would cause the help-pages to become extremely large and unhandy.

Thank you for using TreeMenu. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask again.

Hans Bauer