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Explain RPN


Jan Lukasiewicz developed in 1920 the Reverse Polish Notation as a possibility to write mathematical expressions without parentheses and brackets. RPN stands for Reverse Polish Notation.

Arguments for RPN

With the rpn-method you first input the values and store them in the stack pressing enter. Then you give the operator that has to be applied to the values. This is equivalent to the way e.g. you add values by hand by first writing the values to paper and finally adding them. Compared with the arithmetical method - most of the pocket calculators use - the rpn-method has a lot of benefits:

If you frequently use pocket calculators you should have a look on the advantages of the rpn-method. Rpn is very easy and can be learned in just a few minutes. On a long-term basis you may save a lot of time using rpn.

Once you are used to work with rpn you will probably never switch back to the arithmetical method and substitue your arithmetical pocket calculator with a high quality rpn calculator. RPN pocket calculators may offer a broad range of facilities e.g. vector and matrix algebra, complex numbers, solving equation systems and differential equations, infinitesimal quantities, integration, symbolic processing, statistics, data analysis, programming,...

Some explanations how to open the rpn-calculator and how to perform an arithmetical calculation should help you to start with rpn.